My Projects

A collection of my projects showcasing my skills and expertise.

Personal Portfolio Website

Personal Portfolio Website

A modern, responsive portfolio website built with Next.js 13, featuring dark mode, animations, and internationalization support.

Next.jsTypeScriptTailwind CSSFramer MotionReactVercel
AI-Powered Chat Application with best chefs

AI-Powered Chat Application with best chefs

Built a GPT-4-powered chatbot for personalized recommendations

ReactNode.jsOpenAI APISocket.ioGPTForAllJWT
Weather Application

Weather Application

Built a weather app using Vue, Nuxt3.js, and FastAPI for real-time weather updates.

Blogs Application

Blogs Application

A blogging platform built with the MERN stack, featuring user authentication and content management.

Admin Panel Application

Admin Panel Application

Admin panel for managing the blogs and users


Twitter Clone

This was a group project in the university and we went beyond the requirements and built almost the clone of the whole twitter app with all the features


Uber Clone

An Uber clone built with the Flask framework.


Student Management System

Admin panel for managing the students and their grades


Want to build something together?

Contact Me